Hi all! I know I already uploaded this post previously, but due to the Arnold 5 update, I decided to re-create the materials since the previous ones were obsolete. In this new scene, I decided to work with Area Lights to generate the reflexes on the model, and a few points lights in the engine zones to simulate fire and incandescent metal.
Eduardo Maiden
Tras graduarme en Bellas Artes estoy realizando un máster en 3D y VFX con Autodesk Maya y me gustaría compartir en esta plataforma mi trabajo.
martes, 8 de agosto de 2023
Zoomer II
Muy buenas! Se que ya subí esta entrada anteriormente, pero debido a la actualización de Arnold 5, decidí volver a crear los materiales ya que los anteriores quedaron obsoletos. En esta nueva escena, decidí trabajar con Área Lights para generar los reflejos del modelado,y unos points lights en las zonas del motor para simular fuego y metal incandescente.
Hi all! I know I already uploaded this post previously, but due to the Arnold 5 update, I decided to re-create the materials since the previous ones were obsolete. In this new scene, I decided to work with Area Lights to generate the reflexes on the model, and a few points lights in the engine zones to simulate fire and incandescent metal.
Hi all! I know I already uploaded this post previously, but due to the Arnold 5 update, I decided to re-create the materials since the previous ones were obsolete. In this new scene, I decided to work with Area Lights to generate the reflexes on the model, and a few points lights in the engine zones to simulate fire and incandescent metal.
lunes, 7 de agosto de 2023
The rise of Isengard
En esta entrada combine dos proyectos en uno, un modelado de un escenario con un personaje. El escenario esta iluminado con Área Ligths y Point Lights de Arnold, así como un HDR para terminar de integrar todo y darle una iluminación más unificada. Ambos modelados está texturizados con Mari y reenderizados con Arnol Render.
In this post I have combine two projects into one, a modeling of a stage with a character. The stage is lit up with Arnold's Area Ligths and Point Lights, as well as an HDR to finish integrating everything and give it more unified illumination. Both models are textured with Mari and reenderized with Arnol Render.
In this post I have combine two projects into one, a modeling of a stage with a character. The stage is lit up with Arnold's Area Ligths and Point Lights, as well as an HDR to finish integrating everything and give it more unified illumination. Both models are textured with Mari and reenderized with Arnol Render.
En esta imagen del modelado, se puede apreciar las texturas del escenario y la iluminación, que esta formada por 10 área lights para el interior de las casas, una circular que ilumina la escena desde arriba simulando la luz de la luna. Por último 12 point lights que se encuentran dentro de los farolillos de la calle.
In this image, you can appreciate the textures of the stage and the lighting, which consists of 10 lights area for the interior of the houses, a circular that illuminates the scene from above simulating the light of the moon. Finally 12 point lights that are inside the lanterns of the street.
jueves, 8 de junio de 2017
Preview: OjoMuerto / DeadEye
En esta entrada muestro un adelanto de mi primer modelado orgánico. En él que pongo en practica mapas de desplazamiento y dinámicas de telas.
In this post I show an advance of my first organic modeling. In this model I put in practice maps of displacement and dynamics of cloth.
In this post I show an advance of my first organic modeling. In this model I put in practice maps of displacement and dynamics of cloth.
lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017
piedra de Orthanc.
Sauron ha recuperado mucha de su fuerza perdida; aún no puede hacerse corpóreo, pero su espíritu no ha perdido su poder. Confinado en su fortaleza, el señor de Mordor lo ve todo. Su mirada atraviesa nubes, sombras, tierra y carne. Un gran Ojo sin párpado, rodeado de llamas...
Sauron has regained much of his lost strength; He can not yet become corporeal, but his spirit has not lost its power. Confined in his strength, the Lord of Mordor sees everything. His gaze pierces clouds, shadows, earth and flesh. A large Eye without eyelid, surrounded by flames ...
Saruman el blanco.
Sauron has regained much of his lost strength; He can not yet become corporeal, but his spirit has not lost its power. Confined in his strength, the Lord of Mordor sees everything. His gaze pierces clouds, shadows, earth and flesh. A large Eye without eyelid, surrounded by flames ...
Saruman the white.
En esta práctica se ha probado a texturizar con el programa de texturizado Mari, con el fin de agilizar el proceso que anteriormente se realizaba utilizando Photoshop.
In this practice has been tried to text with the program Mari textured, in order to streamline the process that was previously done using Photoshop.
sábado, 15 de abril de 2017
Uruk Hai
El mundo cambia. ¿Quién tendrá ahora la fuerza de hacer frente a los ejércitos de Isengard y Mordor, de revelarse al poder de Sauron y Saruman, y a la unión de las dos torres? Unidos, mi señor Sauron, seremos reyes de la Tierra Media. El viejo mundo se consumirá en los fuegos de la industria, los bosques morirán. Un nuevo orden surgirá, seremos abalices de una maquina de guerra a espada, lanza y puño de hierro de orco.
The world changes. Who will now have the strength to face the armies of Isengard and Mordor, to reveal themselves to the power of Sauron and Saruman, and to the union of the two towers? United, my Lord Sauron, we shall be kings of Middle-earth. The old world will be consumed in the fires of industry, the forests will die. A new order will arise, we will be rescued from a war machine with sword, spear and iron fist of orc.
Saruman el blanco.
The world changes. Who will now have the strength to face the armies of Isengard and Mordor, to reveal themselves to the power of Sauron and Saruman, and to the union of the two towers? United, my Lord Sauron, we shall be kings of Middle-earth. The old world will be consumed in the fires of industry, the forests will die. A new order will arise, we will be rescued from a war machine with sword, spear and iron fist of orc.
Saruman the white.
¡Cazadlos! No paréis hasta encontrarlos. No conocéis el miedo. No conocéis el dolor. Os saciaréis de carne humana.
Get them! Do not stop until you find them. You do not know the fear. You do not know the pain. You will satisfy them with human flesh.
jueves, 13 de abril de 2017
Cada época tiene su momento de prueba. Las rocas lo tuvieron antes de ser la materia firme que soporta nuestros pies, las plantas resistieron fuertes vientos, antes de que nos dieran la vida, pero ahora todo eso terminó... las plantas hace tiempo que dejaron de crecer... el viento solo arrastra arena y polvo, y cada día en la tierra te hace desear estar muerto. Cazas o te cazan... corres y sobrevives o te quedas y mueres.
Each time has its moment of proof. The rocks had it before it was the firm matter that supports our feet, the plants resisted strong winds, before they gave us life, but now all that is over ... the plants have long ceased to grow ... the wind Only drags sand and dust, and every day on earth makes you wish to be dead. They hunt or they hunt you ... run and survive, or stay and die.
En esta imagen se ha trabajado, la iluminación, la texturización y los materiales, basándonos en un vehículo del videojuego de PS2 Jak and Daxter, con influencias del universo de Mad Max. Para iluminar se ha utilizado un Skydome de Arnold con un HDR. El material de arnol sobre el que se ha trabajado es el AlSurface, y a este, en función de la zona o elemento a representar, se le han aplicado unas propiedades u otras, así como una textura determinada o un material. Finalmente toda la escena se ha renderizado con el motor de render Arnold, y se ha trabajado el fondo en Photoshop.
In this image has been worked, lighting, texturing and materials, based on a vehicle of the video-game Jak and Daxter Jak 2, influenced by the universe of Mad Max. To illuminate it has been used a Skydome of Arnold with an HDR. The arnol material that has been worked on is the AlSurface, and this, depending on the area or element to be represented, have been applied properties or others, as a particular texture or a material. Finally the whole scene has been rendered with the rendering engine Arnold, and the background has been worked on in Photoshop.
Reference image
Arnold Render
Final Image
lunes, 10 de abril de 2017
Por toda la galaxia, una antigua y terrible raza se está despertando. Sepultados en criptas de estasis han dormido durante eones, esperando a que la galaxia se curase de las heridas de una larga y sangrienta guerra. Ahora, tras sesenta millones de años de letargo, se han puesto de nuevo en acción con un gran propósito en mente. En mundos desolados que se creían desprovistos de toda forma de vida, ancestrales máquinas se han reactivado para cumplir sus siniestras funciones, dando comienzo al lento proceso de resurgimiento que acabará liberando a aquellos que están encerrados en su interior, para que vuelvan a recorrer las estrellas una vez más. Las terribles legiones de los Necrones se están alzando. Que la galaxia se prepare.
Throughout the galaxy, an ancient and terrible race is awakening. Buried in stasis crypts have slept for eons, waiting for the galaxy to heal from the wounds of a long and bloody war. Now, after sixty million years of lethargy, they have put themselves back into action with a great purpose in mind. In desolate worlds believed to be devoid of all forms of life, ancient machines have been reactivated to fulfill their sinister functions, beginning the slow process of resurgence that will eventually free those who are locked inside, to return to travel the stars once again. The terrible legions of the Necrons are rising. Let the galaxy be prepared.
En esta imagen se ha trabajado, la iluminación, la texturización y los materiales, con el fin de recrear una pequeña escena inspirada en la raza de Warhammer, los Necrones. Para iluminar se ha utilizado un Skydome de Arnold con un HDR, asi como un total de 16 point lights para iluminar la esfera. El material de arnol sobre el que se ha trabajado es el AlSurface, y a este, en función de la zona o elemento a representar, se le han aplicado unas propiedades u otras, así como una textura determinada. Finalmente toda la escena se ha renderizado con el motor de render Arnold.
In this image has been worked, lighting, texturing and materials, in order to recreate a small scene inspired by the race of Warhammer, the Necrons. To light the scene an Arnold Skydome with an HDR, as well as a total of 16 point lights to illuminate the sphere. The material of arnol on which it has been worked is the AlSurface, and to this, depending on the zone or element to represent, properties or others have been applied to him, as well as a determined texture. Finally the whole scene has been rendered with the Arnold render engine.
Final image / Render.
domingo, 9 de abril de 2017
Alguna vez te preguntase por que los hombres pudieron inventar la forma de aniquilar a sus enemigos,pero no la forma de de convivir en armonía con ellos. Puede que la guerra se haya cobrado muchas vidas, pero mas vidas se ha cobrado el interés y ideología de solo un hombre... pues el progreso y la tecnología, no siempre son bienvenidas.
I once asked you wy men could invent how to annihilate their enemies, but not how to live in harmony with them. The war may have claimed many lives, but more lives have claimed the interest and ideology of only one man... because progress and technology are not always welcome.
In this image a 3D modeling (the sphere) has been integrated in a 2D background, as well as to try to texturize a modeling through the Hypershade, working by nodes and with mergers of layers. On the other hand, the background image 2D has been used using different images in Photoshop in order to get closer to the idea of environment that had been raised for the sphere.
I once asked you wy men could invent how to annihilate their enemies, but not how to live in harmony with them. The war may have claimed many lives, but more lives have claimed the interest and ideology of only one man... because progress and technology are not always welcome.
En esta imagen se ha integrado un modelado 3D (la esfera) en un fondo 2D, así como probar a texturizar un modelado a través del Hypershade, trabajando por nodos y con fusiones de capas. Por otro lado, la imagen 2D del fondo se ha compuesto utilizado diferentes imágenes en Photoshop con el fin de acercarse más a la idea de entorno que se había planteado para la esfera.
In this image a 3D modeling (the sphere) has been integrated in a 2D background, as well as to try to texturize a modeling through the Hypershade, working by nodes and with mergers of layers. On the other hand, the background image 2D has been used using different images in Photoshop in order to get closer to the idea of environment that had been raised for the sphere.
domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017
En esta imagen se muestra un segundo ejercicio de mapeado con un material lambert.
This image shows a second exercise of mapping using a lambert material.
viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017
The Dark Side
En este post se muestra un primer ejercicio de mapeado con un texturizado básico en el que se ha usado un material Lambert.
This post shows a first mapping exercise with a basic texturing in which a Lambert material has been used.
This post shows a first mapping exercise with a basic texturing in which a Lambert material has been used.
sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017
Bodegon 2 / Still life 2
Muy buenas, en esta entrada se ha realizado una prueba de materiales creados a través del editor de materiales de Arnold, y aplicados sobre un modelado, Bodegón, que se mostró con anterioridad en el blog.
Hi all, in this post has been made a test of materials created through the editor of materials of Arnold, and then pasted on a modeling, Still life, that was shown earlier in the blog.
Hi all, in this post has been made a test of materials created through the editor of materials of Arnold, and then pasted on a modeling, Still life, that was shown earlier in the blog.
domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017
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